Monday, February 24, 2014

The cult of non profits - PART II

" ... If it's secret and elite, it can't be good..."   
           The Skulls.

"... CONTROL: 
Any questioning of authority is treated as rebellion.

Information control is practiced where members of the group are not allowed or discouraged to communicate with outside entities...This is done to prevent information that may expose what is going on internally. 

Anyone who challenges the cult's doctrine is automatically branded as an enemy.

If you speak about the problem to others, YOU HAVE JUST BECOME THE PROBLEM. You must become silent and just ignore it or will be asked to leave. 

Expected of the followers to the leader[s]. Their commitment requires that property and money be given in the hands of the leader[s]. 

INDIVIDUALITY IS SACRIFICED FOR THE GROUP: The group's concerns supersede an individual's goals, needs, aspirations, conformity is the key..."
The previous  are excerpts from an article entitled "common characteristics of cults" Full text  here and here.

All DGI members will soon be required to sign a confidentiality and loyalty agreement... 
See "ISOLATION" above.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

The cult of non profits - PART I

I have been on a Non Profit board for two months now, for a grand total of two meetings... There may not be a third after this post as they can actually vote me out and pull a Mujeeb on me (minus the severance).

Either way, I am on probation for a year, until I can demonstrate that I can behave, and then... maybe, I may get reappointed if I am a good boy... so this is me "behaving". 

I was asked to not take to my "little blog" any and all little DGI dysfunction. I was OK with that as I thought that I would not have to, since i could face the other board members as an equal, ask questions and hopefully shape civic, democratic decisions to benefit all.
Obviously, Al Leonard of the Carroll companies did not get the memo and was not having it !!! 

Here are a few thoughts...
First of all,  we are in 2014 so why can't we debate like adults, like reasonable human beings? 
Why can't I question funding allocation without it being called "morally corrupt"? 
Why are we subjected to 1876 parliamentary rules unknown to most commoners?  
Why don't we wear white powdered wigs with mouches.

Why is an executive committee of only 5 members authorized to decide on the allocation of large sums of monies to old board and current board members bypassing the approval of the larger 20 + member board? 

Isn't this exactly why DGI almost became extinct to begin with? and if so, why are the ex-officios in attendance allowing this to take place? 

The answer to at least one of my question became clear during my second meeting... Bottom line, If you dare to question motives, reasoning or secret deliberations, and if someone does not like your "insolence" in your questioning of their behavior,  they will invoke some obscure motion only known to the seasoned non-profit professional deceivers, and instantly shut you up...

So they shut you up but keep your money! 

Do you understerdandeth me? 
You better, because half the current board (including me) still does not know what the fuck happened, or even how they voted. I voted "Nay"... which means no... I think. 

I am righteous but i firmly believe that If you are going to take public funds, then, you must be accountable to the people you take money from...and that is us...all of us, Greensboro tax payers.

I therefore recommend the following 21th century honorable behavior and guidelines. You can call it my own righteous bylaws...

First ...  Recognize that the funds you receive are in fact not yours to distribute as you wish, and then, say Thank You ! 

Then observe the following:

- As it is 2014, all meetings should be recorded with digital devices  and not, "penned by quill? conveniently editable" minutes... You say it , you own it!

- All communications should adhere to Public record laws...You write it, you speak it,  you own it!

- One entity and one entity only, with no obscure foundation, refuge or shelter...You don't need it unless you intend to deceive and defraud! (and don't give me the tax deduction bullshit excuse...obviously not affecting Grassroots productions)

- Board Members are only special in their own minds... All meeting (including executive committee meetings) should be digitally recorded and open to the public... period!

- Do not hire consultants simply to cover your ass... Grow some balls and assume your leadership position and please, please, please, don't hire a consultant to hire a consultant ! You may end up looking stupid.

- Do not ask your new membership to perpetuate your culture of deception and secrecy... 
If the public can't know, then you should not be doing it, and you should certainly not take public monies!

- Do not include The Sanders, Alstons,  Carrolls or Carroll's employees in any of them...they will only use their extensive experience and access to further penetrate us serfs.

- You don't need a PR firm... Obviously did not work out so well for the International Civil rights Museum! Be honest and forthcoming. 

- You don't need ex officios...You want a meeting, then schedule an appointment ! 

- Finally the diversity of your board should be representative of the city overall demographics and should include diversity in gender, race, age, affluence and socio economics... A picture is worth a thousand word so be on the lookout for the upcoming DGI board photo.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Buy Local...

We've done it your way for the last two, so please, don't humor us with additional executive searches and other deceitful tactics destined only to appease.  

Being a good soul and being a good city attorney should not be mutually exclusive.

While exotic and somewhat rare, I believe that such individual is already working for the city, its leadership and its citizens. 

Tom Carruthers is his name. 

A good, honest man and a solid attorney with integrity. 

As a citizen of Greensboro, I would be proud to be represented by such a man.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Mujeeb, Mujeeb, Mujeeb...

His record speaks for itself... 

Witholds and delays public records requests, gives bad civic advice, rides the ethical / legal line, attempts to stop newspaper publication, allows for unconstitutional exemptions in various ordinances, enables obvious conflicts of interest, fucks up negotiations and now...unsigned contracts.

Careless, stupid and irresponsible... A true world champion!

PS: we just gave him a raise...

Thursday, February 13, 2014 could that be?

Billy Jones questions the process for the RIDICULOUS downtown hotel giveaway... No study, no shame,  no problem, no consequences... for now!

The deal was brilliantly engineered...  

Kaplan and Ko. will simply be the landlords and will lease their buildings to the hotel developers... They will in exchange be the recipients of the city council awarded tax rebate, which will absorb the immediate projected increase in property taxes. 

In summary, the developer will build the hotel, Windham will operate it and Kaplan and Ko will receive a renovated building, lease payments and tax rebates.

Thank God for rich ex wife, smart partners and "flexible" economic development policies. 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Dan Lynch

So Dan Lynch has been on vacation six months a year for a while, producing very little... but it took  Rhino Roy to blast him to ignite the "Political Passion"... I guess Roy may be good for something after all... 

Civil servants?