Friday, November 22, 2013

Roch's got a point

Roch Smith Jr wrote an open letter to our new Mayor Ms Nancy Vaughan.
The letter is in Roch's unique style... Respectful, apropos and  well written...
It contains just enough unintentional condescendence that it could be considered patronizing but that is Roch 's way and should not overshadow his very valid points.

I look forward to Nancy Vaughan's leadership, and I agree that we have many economic development opportunities WITHIN our city limits and OUTSIDE of the hospitality industry.

Madame Mayor Elect must surround herself with pros. 
She needs a team that advocates and researches what Roch adequately suggests... 
She needs an aggressive and proactive team of economic development professionals... a team seeking appropriate employers domestically and internationally.
Our city needs individuals with the right education, professional background, integrity and balls...(and maybe a second language or two).

John Shoffner left because he was bypassed for a well deserved promotion. Politics dictated the hiring process and the city of Greensboro lost his most qualified economic development employee... he was honest, hard working and most of all competent.  

Bonne chance Madame Mayor or as Roch suggested 好运.

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