Saturday, June 8, 2013

Action Greensboro' s leaders make a run for it

It is no secret that Cecelia Thompson  (action greensboro, synergy, bryan foundation) wants her respect...she is determined to get it too...after all, she wrote a white paper,  directed "special projects"(???), made friends with Nancy Hoffmann, advocated for food trucks and painted a downtown street. 

Such achievements certainly makes her a qualified candidate to become DGI's new President and CEO...she certainly believes so as she applied for the job...
Her current boss (April Harris) also told a few individuals (in confidence) that she "wanted and deserved" the job.

My friend Christina also applied and would have been great...but, she may be way too cool for Greensboro...let's not go crazy here! 

Can t wait to see what world champion we get next.


  1. Tell Cecilia to give us back the Facebook page. That was the deal! Food trucks are how we earn a living, STOP using us for your own selfish political gain.


  3. April Harris is about to get fired. Susan Schwartz of the Cemala foundation has been lobbying hard against her. Dabney Sanders is also lobbying Jim Melvin for her dismissal.
