Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Oh Gary!

Gary, Gary, Gary...! What are you saying?

In today's Triad City Beat article, Gary Brame, DGI's new chairman made some comments that are worthy of a little more scrutiny.

1. "The comments about diversity were totally unfounded"
 TCB's earlier article revealed the following:

" Several board members, including ex-officio member Mayor Nancy Vaughan, raised concerns about the lack of racial diversity among those proposed, sending the process back to the drawing board.
“When I looked at the proposed slate, there was very little diversity, and there is very little diversity on the board right now so I felt like we needed to do better outreach,” Vaughan said.
Gary Brame, then acknowledged the lack of diversity as he had to go back to the drawing board.

2. "Two of the six new board members are Black" ... a racist is never a racist because he has a Black friend... 
Worth noting that even with the two additional Black sympathizers, DGI is still 88% white with only 3 Black members. MWBE participation anyone? 
Greensboro 's population is 43% Black, 10 % Latino.

 3. Gary then "offended a friend" after rescinding an offer...really???
Did the board nominate the "friend"or did Gary simply make up his own slate? Is that the same friend he vehemently argued for during the " non confrontational nominating process". 

Did Gary nominate his black friend?

4. "Brame also said that he had been surprised to read about McClinton and Robert's concerns about the board's lack of diversity"
A quick review of a few board meeting minutes will reveal that the issue was mentioned more than a few times times. Of course the minutes are redacted by the very submissive and afraid DGI staff and not recorded as they should be.

5. Now for my dear friend Teresa Yon... Gary Brame says that Sam Simpson should have booted her out, but yet he had no problems reappointing her as her year long vacation must have come to an end...

Lies , lies and more lies... let' face it, no amount of lies, cover up or truth manipulation will help DGI this time around.

Greensboro deserves Better!

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